
Mylé Vallée
“I offer my full support for Aislinn Clancy in the upcoming election. During a particularly difficult time in my life when my house flooded, Aislinn went above and beyond to offer her help. She offered to assist in finding me new housing, showing a level of compassion that is truly remarkable. This act of kindness is a clear reflection of the kind of person Aislinn is—someone who not only cares deeply about her community but also takes meaningful action to support individuals in need.”

Mina Aldulaimi
"I’m proud to support Aislinn Clancy for re-election as MPP for Kitchener. Her passion for the community and drive to create change inspired me to pursue community outreach and find ways to give back. I’m so grateful for all she has done for me and for everything she continues to do to bring positive change and support those in need. She truly cares about making a difference, and I know she’ll keep working hard for everyone in Kitchener Centre."

Meredith Blunt
“The wonderful energy Aislinn puts towards elevating active transit and affordable, accessible housing speaks volumes. I admire her passionate advocacy for our countryside line and greenspaces in a climate where our provincial government ignorantly refuses to see their importance. We’re in a time where ‘rugged individualism’ is a considerable problem. It is contributing to the decline of education, healthcare and mental health, housing and the environment. At the core of my support for Aislinn is her fiery community spirit and joy-filled belief that together we are better.”

Irene O’Toole
“Aislinn is a strong and articulate voice at Queen's Park, who knows the truth when she sees it and is not afraid to speak up. She is a community builder, tightly connected to all residents through her listening, questioning, and willingness to explore issues that affect Kitchener Centre. She is a passionate worker for the environment, tenaciously advocates for services before profits and has the courage to stand up to injustice, whether locally or with our Palestinian neighbours. Aislinn is a gentle, authentic, trustworthy, and reliable woman who puts her community before her own self interest. Just what we need at Queen's Park.”

Kai Reimer-Watts and Abhi Dewan
"Aislinn’s commitment to the work of community wellness, sustainability, and justice is incredibly important work in this time of increasing stresses on our communities, and wealthy interests too often prioritizing profits over people. Aislinn continues to do crucial work to hold our current provincial government accountable for its actions and inactions on key issues, from affordability and food security, to housing, education, healthcare, the climate crisis and much more. As a local resident of Kitchener Centre, it's amazing to me what I've seen Aislinn move forward in just a few years in office - advocating for the wellbeing and prosperity of all who make up our diverse communities, to truly "lift all boats" together.”

Jon Rennie
“I support Aislinn because of her commitment to looking at the roots of issues in our community under a long term, solutions based lens. As a former social worker she has great insight into the crises of affordable housing, healthcare deficiencies and poverty affecting our communities.”

Thompson Tran
“As a community-based business owner, I believe Aislinn Clancy is the best suited individual to be re-elected as our MPP. Aislinn supports local businesses, community initiatives, and most importantly a green economy. I know she will work for investments in social services that will create an inclusive and equitable economy.”

Sam Nabi
“Aislinn is someone who cares about her neighbours: whether advocating for a compassionate approach to mental health and addictions, supporting farmers in Wilmot as they resist a secretive land grab, or helping tenants threatened by renoviction. She walks the walk (or bikes the bike, as the case may be) — both in her daily life and at Queen’s Park. I’m proud to support Aislinn as she continues to champion real solutions to the housing crisis, improved transit, and a sustainable future that leaves no one behind.”

“As a professional musician and active community member, I deeply value Aislinn Clancy’s commitment to preserving our environment and advocating for a sustainable future. Just as music brings people together, Aislinn’s leadership unites us in protecting the essential elements of our world—clean air, water, and thriving ecosystems. Her unwavering dedication inspires me, and I’m proud to stand with her as she champions these vital causes for the next generation.”

Mary Jane Patterson
"I support Aislinn Clancy for our MPP because I've seen how committed Aislinn is to building the kind of community I want to live in. She stands up for vulnerable people, knowing how much stronger that makes our community. And she sees the importance of long term and consistent action on climate change. I also appreciate the way Green Party MPPs leave partisanship behind to build consensus on important issues. Aislinn has my vote."

Berat Berberoglu
“Aislinn Clancy, MPP for Kitchener Centre, has a deep connection to our community and is committed to empowerment and diversity. She ensures all Waterloo Region residents feel safe, valued, and welcome. Aislinn engages with the community and understands the unique challenges faced by residents, families and new immigrants alike. She ensures all of us feel a sense of belonging. Aislinn’s compassionate leadership inspires all of us to work together toward positive change.”

Matthew Kruschack
“Aislinn works hard for her constituents. She understands how important it is to show up for our friends and neighbours. She is active, approachable, and supportive of our community. I am confident that Aislinn is the right choice to represent our community at Queen's Park.”

Ashwin Annamalai
“Housing and transit are two key areas Aislinn has performed exceptionally as an MPP in Queen’s Park, whether it be tabling legislation for better protections for renters, supporting meaningful municipal zoning reform, or standing up to keep the most vulnerable in our community housed through anti-renoviction initiatives. What distinguishes Aislinn is her ability to set partisanship aside and work across party lines and levels of government. A good example of this is her collaboration with Kitchener Centre MP Mike Morrice to advocate for two way all day GO trains, another instance is her work towards recognition/celebration of women’s rights in Queen’s Park with members of various political stripes. In a political climate of division and rhetoric, Aislinn is a breath of fresh air where she puts the People before Party, Politics, and Partisanship.”

Clarence Cachagee
Aislinn Clancy is indeed a dedicated voice for her constituents in Kitchener Centre. As a Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP), she has shown determination in passing bills that benefit her community. Her commitment to keeping people accountable and prioritizing the best interests of her constituents is truly commendable.
Some of her notable actions include pushing forward legislation to hold bad-acting landlords accountable for renovictions and advocating against the privatization and underfunding of healthcare and education. Clancy has also demonstrated her ability to listen to her community, seeking wisdom from local leaders and residents to shape legislation.”

Becky Voll and Natasha Carr
"We've both known her for the better part of two decades, and what we can promise is that she's genuine, she walks the talk. We also want to recognize right now how important it is that we have a candidate that addresses the needs of their constituents directly."

Lou Gallo
"Aislinn, always takes that extra step. She works so hard and does what is always right for the greater good of others and society. Aislinn, always makes you feel apart of a community regardless of your socioeconomic status."

Nadine Green
"Aislinn has helped my family and many others fight to save our affordable housing. As MPP I know she'll stand up for housing justice and for tenants in Kitchener."

Elizabeth May
“Aislinn Clancy is a dynamo! Since her landslide win in November 2023, she has made a huge impact on Queens Park. As Deputy Leader to Mike Schreiner, she hit the ground running – taking real action for our neighbourhoods, housing, and health, fighting for improved GO train service and action for renters. I am so proud and honoured to add my name to the long list of those who admire and support Aislinn Clancy.”

Karishma Porwal
"We need a bold voice for the planet at Queen's Park, especially considering the rampant disregard for environmental health that dominates Ontario provincial politics today."
-Karishma Porwal,Environmental Youth Leader; "Climate Girl"

Melissa Bowman
“I think her experience in schools, her approach to seeking out information and perspectives that may differ from her own, and her ability to collaborate with others will serve her well as our next MPP.”
- Melissa Bowman, co-founder of Waterloo Region Yes In My Backyard (WR YIMBY); Community Organizer and author of Citified