Kai Reimer-Watts and Abhi Dewan
"Aislinn’s commitment to the work of community wellness, sustainability, and justice is incredibly important work in this time of increasing stresses on our communities, and wealthy interests too often prioritizing profits over people. Aislinn continues to do crucial work to hold our current provincial government accountable for its actions and inactions on key issues, from affordability and food security, to housing, education, healthcare, the climate crisis and much more. As a local resident of Kitchener Centre, it's amazing to me what I've seen Aislinn move forward in just a few years in office - advocating for the wellbeing and prosperity of all who make up our diverse communities, to truly "lift all boats" together. She's a fighter who knows how to stand up when required, and yet remain down-to-earth and humble to work across the aisle as well to make a difference. This kind of practical, honest and firm approach, deeply committed to our communities, is exactly what we need in Queens Park right now. Just imagine what Aislinn could do, with all our support, with a full term in office - not cut short by an early election! Kitchener Centre needs to step up, now more than ever, to help keep this fantastic representation in office for all of us."
- Kai Reimer-Watts and Abhi Dewan - Co-Founders of Better Creative and The People's Climate Foundation, Kitchener Centre