Brenden Sherratt


Brenden Sherratt, Former President of the Waterloo Liberal Riding Association

"As the former President of the Waterloo Liberal Riding Association, my endorsement of Aislinn Clancy for re-election in Kitchener Centre might surprise some. But that’s exactly why it matters.

I've seen how Aislinn works, not for party politics, but for people. In a time when politics feels increasingly divided and partisan, she’s shown that real leadership means reaching across party lines to get things done for the community. And this isn’t just talk, Aislinn has already proven she can deliver.

I believe in supporting leaders who build bridges, who listen to diverse perspectives, and who prioritize policies that benefit the people they represent over political gain. Aislinn Clancy embodies that kind of leadership.

That’s why I’m proud to support her re-election in Kitchener Centre. Sometimes, the best choice is bigger than any party.

On election day, vote for Aislinn Clancy, leadership that puts community first."

-Brenden Sherratt - Former President of the Waterloo Liberal Riding Association


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